Miva Custom Web Development

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Home Miva Order Fulfillment

Miva Order Fulfillment Modules

MvMonster's Miva Order Fulfillment Modules Increase Conversion Rates, Average Basket Value and Gross Sales. Offer your Miva shoppers the convenience of purchasing with a Miva Layaway program or send a friendly "Time to Reorder Reminder" to Select Customers with MvOrderSomeMore. Product Pricing limitations can be frustrating, with MvBestOffer, customers can request none-advertised Sale Prices and Checkout Instantly!

Authorize.Net CIM Connect for Miva Merchant
Authorize.Net CIM Connect for Miva Merchant

Now with Authorize.Net CIM Connect for Miva Merchant, you can store your customers’ sensitive payment information on Authorize.Net’s secure servers during checkout. CIM Connect helps eliminate steps in the c... Read More

Related Products Basket MvCartAdvisor
Related Products Basket MvCartAdvisor MvCartAdvisor integrates easily into the merchant's basket page to provide specific recommendations for additional purchases based off the most recent addition to the customers basket.

The mod... Read More

Miva Layaway MvLayaway
Miva Layaway MvLayaway Offer your shoppers the convenience of purchasing products via a Miva Layaway program. Through MvLayaway your shoppers can pay for products through regularly scheduled payments. When all payments are... Read More

Product Sample MvSampleProduct
Product Sample MvSampleProduct MvSampleProduct allows merchants to quickly and easily offer samples of any product in their inventory without the need for additional product creation. Pricing, shipping, and other restrictions are configura... Read More

Minimum Advertised Pricing Module - MvBestOffer
Minimum Advertised Pricing Module - MvBestOffer MvBestOffer enables merchants to provide their customers with a custom sale price for any products they wish to make available at an alternate price which they may be prohibited from advertising. This "Best Of... Read More

Miva Vendor Manager
Miva Vendor Manager This module gives you the ability to track the purchase of products assigned to vendors. The module logs all purchases and sends notification emails to the vendor assigned to the products.... Read More